Tuesday, May 28, 2013

There's A Miracle...

Whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.  
- Matthew 21:22

What an odd item to be tagged with Matthew 21:22.  I posted this picture on FB right after I bought it but felt like I should tell it's little story. 

I commented to Mr. Z a couple weeks ago that it would be awesome to have a Keurig. Seems like these machines get all the good coffee flavors and the old fashioned Mr. Coffee gets left on the back burner so to speak :) So the next time I was cruising through W-Marts I stopped to peruse the Keurig hoping they had gotten cheaper :P They hadn't.  While I was thinking I might as well forget that notion and get it out of my silly head I felt checked by the voice saying "why don't you ask me?". So I did! And why not? He's the one 'who owns the cattle on a thousand hills'.

When I saw this beauty sitting on a table at a garage sale I wanted to question whether or not I should spend even $40.00 on it. I was hoping Mr. Z would make that decision so I could be off the hook :P Then I remembered the little conversation with my Heavenly Father and immediately I knew that coffee maker was mine, free and clear. haha 

I'm adding this picture into this post to remind myself that the same God who cares about my "silly" wants is certainly NOT absent in the big/serious needs. When you feel like your agent is lying through their teeth and seemly not doing their job but your stuck with a 1 yr. contract.
 I told God this morning "it's time to do your stuff". This was His response:
There's a miracle in the making
One for you the Father is working even now.
Your prayers have been heard and the answer’s on the way
There's a miracle in the making for you today 

Trusting and believing Him today!!!

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