Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Seeing Through the Glass Darkly

Somewhere above the craziness of this Palm tree is a beautiful blue sky. This Palm lives in beautiful Arizona where the sky is usually cloudless and the sun always shines. But from this point of view one must really look to see.
Wanting to develop a deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father I asked Him not too long ago to show me if there was things in my life I needed to work on. Warning! Never ask that unless you are ready to go under the scalpel without anesthetics. The procedure might not be so bad if you are one who can be shown things through the "still small voice". Me, on the other hand, seem to only learn through the school of hard knocks.
Its funny how we can live with ourselves day in and day out but never see ourselves for who we really are. I've not been living to my fullest potential. I had allowed or for that matter never even got my life weeded like I thought I had of certain weeds that was choking off my ability to blossom. Selfishness being the main thistle!
The last few weeks, I've been feeling a lot like this here Pancake Cactus - not very pretty. ha ha
 I Corinthians 13:12a NLT comes to my mind - Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.
And my view as though I'm planted under a Palm tree. I know the blue sky and sunshine is there but I can't really see it. Every now and then I catch a glimpse that gives me hope.
My heart may ache because of the reflection I've seen in the mirror, but at the same time, it rejoices because I know that God is putting me through the same fire that diamonds are made of. So that someday I can be that wife my husband needs and the proper mommy to my kids.
God's got bigger and better things in the making for this families future and he needs me to shoot for my potential and not be satisfied to be status quo. Because slackers aren't very useful to the Kingdom.
The rest of I Corinthians 13:12 says, All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
I don't know what the future holds, but He allowed me a partial glimpse of it last night. So through the fire I will continue if needs be because I want what I saw.
I've exposed my heart a little not to get sympathies. But to be an encouragement to someone else who might feel like life has become dry, barren, and desolate. Ask God what He wants you to learn from it. He wants to help you reach your potential. You are not alone!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post and so encouraging. A great lesson here for all. Over time we do evolve and life's changes can give us a new direction. The good news is, God has it in his major plan set before we were ever born. All we have to do is ask for the direction and help. HE is always there to guide us through. Our journey goes on and the learnings grow till he calls us home!!

    Thanks for stopping by sweet friend. Have a great rest of the week and Happy Mother's Day!!
    XO Blessings


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