Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Making Memories

When you think back to childhood, what is one of your favorite memories? Especially, a summer memory (since that's what time of year it is). My dad was a hard, hard worker so we basically never went on family vacations. Every few years we would fly west to visit mom's side of the family. Other than that home life was all we knew. Probably the very reason I am such a homebody. A fact about me that probably drives Mr. Z out of his mind :-) My family always had a HUGE garden when I was a kid. We grew all our food. And one of the things we did was go to the woods as a family and pick berries. 
Berry picking is a favorite memory. I remember we would pile into the old station wagon and off we'd go down the back roads and I'm talking real back roads as in dirt roads in Greene County PA. My parents knew where the patches were and we would have all mom's big cooking pots and we would pick until they were full. Talk about a yummy job :-) 
Today I made some of those same memories with my kids. It wasn't the back woods of PA but rather the lush, green grassy yard of the parsonage. The kids were all into until their bellies were full then they decided to run off and play :-) Such good help :-p
Beautiful, juicy berries that will leave your teeth full of seeds. I love berry season! It means purple hands, yummy smells, new batches of jam, and healthy snacks.
Fill a bowl, sprinkle sugar on top, and pour in a little milk. Summer provides the BEST bedtime eating.
Just for kicks, I'm throwing in this picture of Mr. Z I took today. He never had a clue, he was too busy facebooking while tilling. What did people do before smartphones anyway? I really wish blogger would have smiley faces :-) Random thought there I know but...

This week has been a productive week so far, loads of laundry done, weeding getting done, basement cleaned, Sammy turns 5, boys get shipped off to youth camp, and memories getting made.

Good Night All!!

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